2019 Shared Ability Workshops

New Haven Ballet’s Shared Ability program consists of weekly dance workshops for differently abled artists aged 10+ years. Classes are lead by Kerry Kincy, a teaching artist who uses dance as a tool to build social and cognitive abilities. This wonderful program affords participating artists, including those with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Down Syndrome, cerebral palsy, and other challenges, and their families, a chance to dance, meet, interact and share their unique experiences with one another in a safe and supportive environment.
WHAT: Weekly dance workshop for differently abled artists
WHEN: Saturdays, March 9 through May 11, 2019
TIME: 4:30 to 6:00 p.m.
WHERE: The Community Foundation Building, Lower Level (LL), 70 Audubon Street, New Haven, CT
WHO: Differently abled artists aged 10+ years
FEE: $215 (Financial assistance available. No student denied based on inability to pay)
For more information —
Tel. 203-782-9038
Email: administrator@newhavenballet.org
Click Here to Register
Click here to download Financial Aid Application