Free Trial Class
You’re Invited…
Come on Over!
FREE TRIAL CLASS for NEW STUDENTS through September 30, 2018
Call 203-782-9038 to reserve your spot. Space is limited.
AGES: All students ages 3+ are welcome in our dance classes!
DATES: New students may schedule a FREE TRIAL class any day that we offer classes for your age and class level
HOURS: Classes are offered through the week at our Branford and New Haven studios.
LOCATIONS: Click here for class locations
Click here for class descriptions ages 3 to 8 years
Click here for class descriptions ages 9 to 19 years
Click here for Teen/Adult Drop-in Classes (ages 12+)
Danielle Faulkner
Greetings I have a 4 1/2-year-old son who has expressed interest in dance actually specifically asked for ballet lessons. We live in Guilford but I’m not opposed to going to an evening class. As I have shared visitation with his father my days with him are always Wednesday and Thursdays and then I have him every other weekend. I would love to come in and see if he would actually like to do it when he actually has an instructor. Thanks for your help I appreciate it
Hi, Danielle. Thank you for reaching out to NHB. Your son would be in NHB’s Creative Ballet 1 class (CB1). On Thursday there is a CB1 class in our New Haven studio at 591 Whitney Avenue, New Haven, from 4:45-5:30 p.m. He would be welcome to try a FREE trial class if this coordinates well with your schedule. Unfortunately, we are not able to monitor this board regularly and, thus, it is not the best way to communicate. Would you mind calling NHB’s office at 203-782-9038 and we would be happy to help you to make certain you have all the information you need? Thank you, again!